Chico Center for Learning
Experience the Joy of Learning
Chico Center for Learning
​Contact Us: 530.343.2980
2341 Floral Ave. ​
Chico, CA 95926
***We currently have a few openings for dyslexia tutoring only.
Community Awareness
As a pebble dropped into a pond sends ripples out from its center, we provide a program of awareness, advocacy and support that will impact students, parents, teachers and individuals throughout our community. Community outreach activities include fundraising, awareness workshops, hosting a dyslexia support group, and planning for October, Dyslexia Awareness Month.
Community Events
Videos about

CCL Attends Community Events to educate the public about dyslexia, and inform people of all ages of the services available through Chico Center for Learning.
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month. Chico Center for Learning is available to speak or share the video: Journey Into Dyslexia (HBO Documentary) which presents profiles of dyslexic students and adults who share their experiences of struggling in school and then succeeding in life. Academy-Award winning a Alan and Susan Raymond examine the complexities of this differently structured brain and debunk the myths and misperceptions about dyslexia.

Dyslexia Simulation
The Dyslexia For A Day Simulation Kit can be used by individuals or groups of experienced teachers, teacher training candidates, practitioners, immediate and extended family members, or anyone interested in learning more about dyslexia and what those with dyslexia often experience with reading, writing and processing. The kit walks participants through five different simulations: two reading, two writing and one processing simulation. Chico Center for Learning offers this kit for professional training and to raise awareness at Community Events.

Our Offerings
Screening and Tutoring for Dyslexia
Academic Tutoring
Homeschool Support
Our Mission
To serve as a non-profit education and training facility for professionals, parents, volunteers and clients of all ages:
to raise community awareness that dyslexia is real.
to provide tutoring and intervention programs using research-based teaching strategies.
to assist each participant, parent, client and educator to achieve his or her full potential.